One is not born, but becomes a woman..."
de Beauvoir, " The second sex ", Editions
Gallimard 1949
I always wondered about the importance of the
genre in our education and in the development of our personality.
The space devolved to the women appeared to me too often as a
subset sometimes hardly restricted by the unlimitedness of a
world to be discovered, to be understood and to be invented.
Today throughout the world, maybe more still sometimes than 25
years ago, the women have to fight to live, learn, create, love,
think freely. They are still numerous to be able to develop only
in the shadow of the men(people), subjected to their desires
and to their laws.
stereotypes connected to women's image and to the control of
their bodies, I realized a project in which I took up with a
practice of the portrait which I often convened. During all year
2010, I invited the women to come to settle in my studio. In
September I made a residence at Saint-Martin (Gers) thanks to
the dynamics equip of Campagn' Art. Twenty five inhabitants
of the region joined a project which found a beautiful opening
outside the urban paths there !
all the anné, and even a little more, I made 192 portraits
and recorded each of the participants in the reading of a text
of her choice: literature, essay, poetry, songs, or text of their
The choice of the black and white was led to take some distance
with the imaging of the "feminine". A photography is
at first the result of an implemented process with particular
intentions and not emanation of the reality. The portrait takes
root very far in the human history, to represent the other one,
to question its appearance or its status, or to try to protect
it from the forgetting by immortalizing him was often in the
heart of the ritual, social and artistic practices. Beyond these
appearances, it is what what livens up the women today that I
tried to shape in this work of "sound" portraits |