marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I am a foodie!
I think this is partly why I enrolled at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Réunion Océan Indien (ESIROI), within the department of food processing. It is an opportunity for those from the island of Reunion and other inhabitants of the Indian Ocean to have an engineering school that allows them to follow an international curriculum thanks to the various internships that we are required to complete in different countries. In my first year, I started with an entry-level internship. I worked on a production line where I could experience what it was like to be a factory worker day in day out. For some people, this had been their everyday life for twenty years. When in a position of responsibility, we should think about those carrying out the production tasks and modify their working conditions so that they are more bearable. In my third year, I was encouraged to do an internship on quality and in my fourth year I completed a research internship.


I have chosen to specialise in quality and packaging so as to develop the knowledge I gained during my various internships. This gives me an overview of quality, safety and the environment. We are working from a chemical perspective on interactions that may occur between food and packaging to identify contaminants that the consumer could end up ingesting. I have had the opportunity to research how to produce packaging that would pollute less and generate less waste. For all these reasons, packaging is as important for the consumer as the food it contains. After graduation, I would like to find a job in packaging or in production that could provide me with research opportunities, and perhaps one day manage a factory. It would be a victory for me as a woman, a scientist and a Reunionese!”

Adeline Itéma Sancoueze
Food Processing Engineer,, ESIROI


