marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“The 3DPHI platform is a scientific interest group
which unites 12 French laboratories working on the integration of power electronics. My work as assistant engineer consists in looking after a fleet of different apparatus. Power electronics concerns systems linked to high power electrical energy, found in motor vehicles, avionics, rail, etc. We try to design systems to make this integration, to reduce volumes but retain the same yields and power, and to ensure that reliability is maximal. The platform is located in Toulouse and welcomes researchers from these different laboratories, giving them the possibility to use specific equipment. I am the only woman out of around 30 technicians. I am surrounded by people who are very motivating, who teach me a lot and push me each day to surpass myself.


An isostatic press can evenly press different types of materials in every direction to make assemblies. The object is compressed at very high pressure. Our press goes up to 4,000 bars. With powders, this creates high densities, which is a very important parameter for certain electrical or mechanical properties. With a colleague, we came up with the idea of creating fun moulds to explain the principle simply to schoolchildren. Furthermore, I am working on making passive components via screen printing, by depositing ink on a substrate – often alumina plates – using a screen printing mask. The capacitive component consists of two electrodes, between which a dielectric material is placed. In addition, I have the opportunity of teaching about the mysteries of the viscosity of soldering creams within the framework of practical workshops with professional degree students."

Céline Combettes
Assistant Engineer, Laboratoire Laplace, University Toulouse 3, Paul Sabatier


