marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“I had a passion for Ancient Rome;I took Latin classes in high school. There was a 70m2 plaster model that represented the entire city of Rome in the University of Caen Basse-Normandie. My Latin Professor took our class to Rome when we were in 8th grade. I was fascinated and this made me continue to study Latin in college. When I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree, I went back to the laboratory I had visited ten years ago in order to undertake a research project on Ancient Rome.
The work of a researcher specialised in primary sources is divided in several phases. First, there is a search for virtual reconstruction. Another interesting aspect of research is communicating your findings at international colloquia. The conventions I attend allow me to meet my peers, and see
how they analyse and evaluated sources.


The virtual reconstruction of the city of the Ancient Rome in the 4th century AD keeps our laboratory busy. Both Scientists and Graphic Designers work in the laboratory to reconstruct the city in an interactive and full-documented virtual mode. Everything is explained with literary texts, and archaeological and iconographical sources. We work together in order to bring Rome alive again. We have both research and educational objectives. We work with American Scientists on the Rome Reborn project. They created a complete model of the city with a reduced level of detail. We have chosen to create a high definition model by designing the interiors of buildings so that you can enter and look at the decoration. We are also in contact with Italian Scientists who send us results of their ongoing archaeological digs.”

Sophie Madeleine
Researcher specialized in primary sources - University of Caen


