marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“The formation of economic and territorial disparities between
European regions was my first research interest during my PhD. Why are there rich regions and poor regions? What can the European Union do to decrease these disparities? I was interested in these issues with a focus on econometric methods, i.e., all the mathematical and statistical methods applied to economics that are used to measure economic phenomena and quantify the relationships between economic variables. In a current research project, I am interested in fiscal and spending competition between French local authorities. Are they in competition or complementary to the public good?


Supervision of the Master’s program "Chargé d’Etudes Economiques", which is both a professional and an academic master’s program, represents a considerable administrative and pedagogical workload. How should we coordinate these courses? Which professionals should be part of the program? Students also need help in finding professional internships, dissertations must be supervised…
The University of Franche-Comté offers a Master Bank - which is aimed at the banking professions, a Master e-purchasing - in which it is the business buyers who are trained, and finally the master that I manage. After this master’s program, students can continue on to a PhD or work for public institutions - whose mission is to accompany and evaluate public policy, or private companies - mainly in research and development... ”

Julie Le Gallo
University Professor, CRESE, University of Franche-Comté


