marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“The subject of my biology thesis at CNRS Orléans
was innate immunity receptors in infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. I studied the different molecules on the surface of macrophages and dendritic cells that can help us to fight against parasites and bacteria. Tuberculosis continues to rage in emerging countries. It is due to rather devious bacteria which tend to take refuge in the deep organs and which can reactivate. Cerebral malaria, which is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, rages in Africa where it is fatal in 1% of cases. Treatments against malaria exist, but there is no vaccine because it is a parasite which develops in several stages. The host cells would need to acquire a memory in order for a vaccine to be developed. We are therefore trying to develop more effective therapies.


ARTIMMUNE I am project manager and I manage a team of seven people. In our research team, we mainly work on allergic asthma and lung inflammations. Three factors have been identified as causing allergies which affect around 10% of global population: environmental factors, genetic factors and pollution. We propose models of human diseases on mice, on which we test the efficiency of future medications. There are many women biologists, but there are few in management positions. Domestic responsibilities continue to hinder their career progress. In addition, difficulties in obtaining funding lead to fierce competition between teams and a race to have work published. To move forward, the thirst for learning and discovering, which leads to asking the right questions, has to be nourished!"

Dieudonnée Togbé
Project manager, Researcher in immunology, INEM - CNRS Orléans


