marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I specialised in cutaneous pharmacology
during my Master's at the Université Lyon I. I loved it because researchers from around the world would come to give us lectures. I then wrote a thesis on cutaneous absorption at the Université Paris Sud. This is the study of the absorption of products through the skin, some of which can have harmful effects on the body.
My subject was studying the penetration of different products into the skin with new predictive methodologies. Some criteria allow us to find out whether or not a product is likely to penetrate the skin, but many studies have shown that they are not accurate enough. I tried to improve this by developing new mathematical models which, without the need of laboratory experiments, allow us to find out whether or not products are likely to cross the cutaneous barrier.


All these predictive methodologies are very important because animal testing has been banned since 2013 in cosmetics. For many years, numerous alternative methods have been developed; not being much of a fan of animal testing (despite the fact that I really enjoy medical research in dermatology), I seem to have arrived at a good time. It is important to be quite creative and inventive in order to find methodologies which give results, using skin created in a laboratory or waste from plastic surgery.
Today, I work in the cosmetics industry – still in the field of cutaneous absorption. I see how skin molecules behave, with the aim of obtaining results for products to be developed in cosmetology.”

Elsa Jungman
Doctor of Analytical Chemistry – Research Engineer


