marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“I never thought I would work here, let alone solely manage my own research laboratory, even though I wanted to work in the world of administration for which I had studied. Originally I have a BEP (school-leaving diploma) in Administration and Accounting. For the last two years I have worked for the laboratory, where I handle financial and administrative matters so that the lab can work properly. It is going really well, I like what I do and the team is great. I am never reluctant to go to work; what I do is really interesting and I feel it is also very important. Based over two sites – Nancy and Épinal – it is a materials laboratory with different engineering sciences. They work a great deal on issues relating to renewable energy. The majority of major projects are developed on the Épinal site. One of the major projects which astounds me is the Yann project, the gasifier. This is the first major project which I managed truly single-handedly, from A to Z.


When I was young, I had no idea what a researcher was. It's true that they surprise me every single day! Researchers are the project managers; I handle the administrative and budgetary parts – something I enjoy the least. Putting together projects takes a lot of time and is the most interesting thing – knowing what researchers are doing and going flat out for two, three, four days to properly present and justify their projects is really great. This is part I like best, even if it is quite stressful!
I am also in charge of matters regarding work contracts and human resource management with the doctoral students and engineers, the recruitment for whom I organise. In fact, I take a great deal of responsibility for them. Therefore, the first vivas I will attend will also be an important first for me!"

Linda Bosser
Administration and Finance Manager, LERMAB, University of Lorraine


