marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“Language sciences are multidisciplinary. As a student, you learn linguistics, computer programming and the use of digital tools. This appealed me because I've always loved literature, languages and computers, because I grew up with books and video games! As a part of my PhD, I am interested in building new methods for improving the analysis of online conversations. More specifically, I develop methods for analyzing user assessments of products, brands or services. Companies and institutions are interested in leveraging online conversations, to learn how consumers perceive the products and services, or to obtain a better understanding of the positions of their fellow citizens, as they all express themselves spontaneously in online forums or other social media sites. The internet is the largest forum for spontaneous, free and recorded communications that has ever existed...


I co-founded the company XiKO because companies started to get in touch with me to apply my research. I never wanted to choose between an academic career and a career in industry. I find this dual culture very gratifying. I have had several internship opportunities since completing my BSc. and it really is a game changer for finding a job later on. I wanted to share this experience, so we launched the AFTAL association with some colleagues. It aims to inform students on the do's and dont's when looking for an internship or a job, and also provides them with a weekly mashup of job offers. AFTAL aims at helping them create new opportunities even in an uncertain economy. We also organize events, because human contact is irreplaceable.”

Marguerite Leenhardt
PhD candidate, Paris 3 University


