marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“Maintaining human beings and their diet at the heart of our priorities is extremely important. We currently cannot produce any more new molecules or new concepts without taking into account the entire production process and its impacts. Therefore we are going to develop these new molecules and innovative production routes by taking into account their economic, technical, environmental and societal impact. Society is moving from the use of fossil fuels chemistry to the use of renewable fuels and green chemistry. This transition is both individual and collective. First of all, we must ensure this transition to fuels and that is going to be compatible with existing systems and then advance towards very new things that would be real alternative and technological breakthroughs.

Industrial biotechnologies currently aim to develop innovative ways of producing molecules with microorganisms. Used as bioreactors, they are able to consume renewable substrates to produce molecules that can be used for energy, chemistry or health. We thus contribute to the development of new processes dedicated to the production of second-generation bioethanols from lignocellulosic renewable and non-food substrates, new ways to produce biolipids and bioplastics… we use the parts of the plant that are not consumed by man. To evaluate the industrial potential using economic and environmental criteria, we collaborate with the main stakeholders with the skills to identify the best resources that could be used within an innovating industrial process."

Carole Molina-Jouve
Professor, INSA de Toulouse


