marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“Women's access to senior positions in public office
was the subject of a steering committee for which I was appointed Rapporteur in 2000. This committee brought together people with very different skills in an exciting working group. In my capacity as macroeconomist at OFCE, I worked on issues concerning the role of women in the labor market and in 2005 I was responsible for a report dealing with the specific issues of the vulnerability of women. We now know that 80% of part-time jobs, most of them paying low wages and insecure, are mostly held by women. But at the time stating that insecurity was a women's issue went against the grain, and we have struggled to overcome this. At some point, we need to ensure that studies are published and publicized and are used to draw up laws followed by the implementation of decrees. Without positive action, nothing will happen.


PRESAGE is a multidisciplinary program for research and teaching courses on gender issues. It develops courses in all of the subjects taught at Sciences Po. Our goal is to make issues of gender, sex and inequality part of the students' core curriculum. This would mean that students will no longer graduate from Sciences Po without ever having heard of gender inequality over the course of their studies. I teach about the inequalities between women and men in the economic world in the Master in European Affairs. I also taught non-discrimination law and gender parity issues in European political representation. Furthermore, I lead the “Gender, Employment and Public Policy” researcher network, a multidisciplinary network of researchers who meet to discuss studies on the role of women in the labor market and the issues raised by equality policies.”

Françoise Milewski
Economist, OFCE, PRESAGE-Sciences Po


