marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“My thirst for knowledge dates back to when I was a little girl.
I began to learn with my brothers and sisters who were already at school. I took physics classes as part of my mathematics degree. Although my passion for mathematics prevailed, I have kept a keen interest in physics.
In mathematics, there are many fields of research: algebra, analysis using Partial Differential Equations, etc. I have a preference for analysis, mathematical physics and spectral theory. My doctoral research allowed me to explore the joint discipline of mathematical physics. I work on localisation phenomena which make it possible to study electronic transport in disorderly structures in which electrons remain trapped in certain areas and are therefore unable to carry current.


This year, I obtained a one-year position as a temporary teaching and research fellow in Toulon. When one teaches, one finds oneself immersed in a different environment. It is wonderful to be able to pass on one's knowledge, interact with students and to see that one has finally helped them understand something which they may have been stuck on for years.
After finishing my PhD, I am going to apply to become a university lecturer. At the same time, I will look for a post-doctoral position abroad. I would like to carry out research outside of France. In this research community it is easy to lose confidence in oneself. You really have to be very patient and have faith in yourself. You need to hang on tight! Women still have a long way to go before they will truly have their full place in the field of mathematical research.”

Amal Taarabt
PhD student in mathematics – AGM Research Center, University of Cergy-Pontoise


