marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



"I am a geophysicist, reservoir engineer and researcher at IFPEN (French research and training centre for energy, transport and the environment). I contribute to the development of methodologies that will help engineers to make the best use of hydrocarbon reservoirs, by positioning the wells in appropriate places and by pushing the oil to the surface in the most efficient way possible. By characterising the geological formation containing the oil and aided by computer tools, we aim to individually adapt the flow-scheme to each reservoir. We are extremely wasteful; generally speaking we only manage, at best, to extract 30% to 40% of the oil available. The challenge is in being able to develop more effective techniques. 1% more oil represents two years more global consumption. It is an extraordinary profession; every day one learns and exchanges with other people. Two years ago, when I received an award from the French Academy of Sciences, my youngest little girl exclaimed: "Mummy is a champion!"


It takes several million years for organic deposits to mature and produce an oil that migrates from the source rock towards the surface, where it becomes trapped in the reservoir rock from which it will be extracted. Many things we use in our daily lives are derived from this oil, from petrol to plastics and cosmetics. Hydrocarbons can be found in different forms: gas and petroleum oil, which have varying viscosities. When it is very viscous, we call it bitumen. It is found mainly in Venezuela and in North America. t IFPEN, we also work on other types of energy. We study energy storage, for example the use of compressed air to regulate the production of renewable energies, whose drawback is their intermittent nature. We are also interested in underground CO2 storage. Our role is to ensure the optimisation of energy resources."

Mickaële Le Ravalec,
Geoscience expert, IFPEN (Institut Français du Pétrole & des Énergies Nouvelles)


