marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“To share the message of science with the general public 
was the very point of my curriculum: a Master in nutrients science – which gave me a solid scientific background – completed by a diploma in communication. I had spent six years working for a key player of the global dairy industry when I decided to found my own communication agency in Laval, France ; that was fifteen years ago. My job is now to add scientific value to food processing companies and health product lines, as well as to carry the message of science to various audiences, including the average consumer, the media, and major healthcare prescribers. I have recently obtained an additional diploma in nutrition at the University René Descartes in Paris, an experience which led me to publish Mince Alors! (Odile Jacob), a book of which I am extremely proud: it is a symbol of the kind of scientific content everyone and anyone can make their own, in order to eat better, while still cultivating the pleasure of food.


The organization of the workplace was made by men, for men; women still have to start expressing what truly suits them. After six intense, stressful years spent working for a global corporation, I eventually found relief after I created my own agency. By controlling my own schedules and directing my own projects, I have re-discovered both serenity and pleasure in my work. I have built an all-female team in which each of my twelve employees has to ask herself how to best organize her workload, and how to reconcile it with her own personal life. We embody gender equality, in the sense that most of the corporate players we interact with are men: by matching their all-men teams with my own all-female one, we balance the projects, the ideas and the skills that are required to succeed, and turn gender parity into an undeniable reality.”

Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau
CEO of Atlantic Santé


