marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I have always had an interest in mathematics
and became involved in mathematics applied to humanities, social sciences and economics. During my masters degree, I did an internship with IFREMER. I spent fifteen days on board the scientific vessel to follow the collection of data. That consisted in catching fish in different sea areas. These catches were recorded and from spatial forecasting methods, predictions were made over the whole marine area in order to estimate the fish populations. Numbers obtained were subsequently used at European level to establishfishing quotas. Currently I am a third year PhD student in statistics and one of purposes of my research is to develop tools which could enable different users to forecast phenomena inrelation to geographical areas (in meteorology, in oceanography, in epidemiology…).


During my PhD thesis, I had the opportunity to teach statistics at the University while also continuing with mathematics that has become a passion. I am very grateful to my professors who encouraged me since I thought I would end up as a primary school teacher. I am working on a French-Quebec project in which we study hydrological data in order to produce efficient statistical models that would allow the best use of hydraulic dams during extreme climatic events. With “Femmes & Mathématiques” association (Women and Mathematics Association”, we schedule jobs meetings during which young girls meet female mathematicians and discover a multitude of professions. We also organize forums to denounce stereotypes as why very few women are mathematicians. You do not have to create obstacles for yourself but do what inspires you and have self-confidence.”

Camille Ternynck
PhD student in applied mathematics, University of Lille 3


