marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I entered the scientific world through Industrial Design,
innovative product design and the field of human relationships. After studying at Compiègne University of Technology – in Mechanical Engineering - I studied one year at the Design School in Montréal. I wanted to work in product design to improve people’s lives. In my career as a professor and researcher, human relationships remain at the center of my concerns. My current research focuses on modelling of organizational complex systems. In Industrial Engineering, we build a systemic approach for companies. We observe the organization and business processes in order to create a model, optimize it and make recommendations. It may be the management of virtual teams or the introduction of telemedicine - and the organizational changes that might be inferred.


Assisted decision-making in projects was my research topic in my PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering, focused on the selection of project team members. How to help choose the right people – either the actors or the project manager? I applied this research in the Vallourec group for several years before becoming a professor at Centrale Paris in the Industrial Engineering Laboratory, where I teach managerial strategies related to the implementation of innovative and creative approaches, in environments that are not necessarily open to change. I also teach project management aspects - all fundamentals to the development of company project dynamics , as well as all aspects of decision support and feedback. How lessons and skills learned and capitalization of know-how can help companies with project decision-making ?”

Julie Le Cardinal
Full professor, École Centrale Paris


