marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“I am part of the National body of Astronomers and Physicists (Corps national des Astronomes et Physiciens), as an assistant astronomer at Montpellier University. I maintain a database of stellar spectra as a duty for the French astronomical community. As a keen stellar physicist, my research activity consists in stellar modelling. I explore the impact of the transport processes of matter in stars, that bring up to the stellar surface the chemical elements synthesized in the stellar cores and that will be eventually ejected into the interstellar medium. A large part of the complex matter known in the Universe is made of elements that have been synthesized in stars. I compute stellar evolution tracks and use them to make predictions that are then compared to observations - of the Sun, as well as other stars both in our Galaxy and in other galaxies.


Asteroseismology is a trending observational technique in the recent years. Observing the vibrations of stars gives us insight on their internal structure. The analysis of stellar pulsations gives information on how the sound waves propagate inside a star and thus on its internal composition. The propagation of acoustic waves differs according to the state and composition of the medium, and can thus give valuable insight on the characteristics of this medium.
Scientific research requires dedication because more time is spent searching for answers than actually finding any. As a researcher you struggle with a problem until you finally solve it, which turns to be very rewarding. At an international level, we try to understand better our world, and our findings belong to everyone. This is why it is important to benefit from collective funding. In France, the public research is largely developed and offers a stable long-term environment required for fundamental research.”

Ana Palacios,
Assistant astronomer, Laboratory Universe & Particles of Montpellier


