marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I attended the Beijing Institute of Technology
to study mechanical engineering at the age of 16. As soon as I graduated, I started teaching in the same university for 4 years. In 1996, I got an opportunity to join the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), working in the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU), on the conception and construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This accelerator integrates four main experiments using detecors to analyze the myriad of particles produced by collisions.(The LHC is the largest particle accelerator. It lies in a tunnel of 27 kilometers in circumference, over 100 meters deep beneath the Franco-Swiss border). This accelerator integrates four main experiments using detectors to analyze the myriad of particles produced by collisions. ATLAS is one of these four detectors. We worked for 10 years on the realization of the ATLAS Barrel Toroid - the world’s largest superconducting magnet ever built. I was in charge of the mechanical design of the structure supporting the magnet and the ATLAS detector. Having a total weight of 1400 tons, the structure had to withstand very strong magnetic forces whilst the allowable deformation of the structure was extremely small.


Atlas had to support 8 superconducting coils each weighing 100 tons that had to be all aligned to millimetric accuracy. The material used for the structure also had to be minimized and the design optimization was made through extensive numerical simulations. With a height of the structure equivalent to a building of five floors, it was not possible to make any full-scale, global prototype, everything relied on the precision of the simulation and the accuracy of each component of the assembly. We became experts in the field of superconducting magnet mechanical design. I was then appointed to lead the mechanical design of a new superconducting magnet for the Fair, which is an accelerator under construction at Darmstadt, Germany.”

Zhihong Sun
International expert of the CEA, Saclay


