marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



"It was during my studies that I discovered the world of research, which I found totally enthralling. The goal is to move forward and obtain results, and you are relatively free to organise your work. This was absolutely crucial for me, and allowed me to have three children and reconcile my professional life with my family life. My role is threefold: teacher, researcher and hospital doctor. These three jobs have a continual interplay which requires a great deal of organisation: what I teach is directly linked to my hospital work, while my research too is derived from what I observe when treating patients. The research is very rewarding. It gives me the opportunity to form links with other teams, both nationally and internationally, to attend conferences, share our knowledge, and receive foreign students. The rewards to be gained from having contact with all these different cultures are priceless.


In the field of haematology, my work concerns haemostasis, which involves all aspects of blood-clotting: excessive clotting leading to thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and phlebitis, or the inverse – deficient clotting leading to haemorrhagic problems. In my team, we are particularly interested in the relationship between thrombosis and inflammation in extremely serious infections – such as severe sepsis – which have a very high mortality rate. We are trying to understand the role of haemostatic proteins in the progression of these diseases, and to develop molecules to help in the treatment of patients. In the hospital’s biological haematology laboratory, we carry out haematological analyses on all patients and, besides the problems of haemostasis, we encounter a variety of cell-related pathologies, such as leukaemia."

Delphine Borgel
University Lecturer and Hospital Doctor, Paris-Sud University/APHP


