marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I liked the idea of competing with the boys. In Cameroon, I followed the science stream at A levels with only 5 girls in a class of 70 students. I have chosen computer science because it was very selective and there were also only a few girls in that field. In all cultures, there is still important work to be done in order to change the mentalities and obtain real equality with boys. After my Masters 2 degree, I became involved in a non-profit project of the “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie “ (AUF) in Niger, as a volunteer. The aim of this project was to define and implement a policy for the migration to open source software, but also a training program for students, teachers and companies. My dream is to collaborate in educational projects; learn from others, transmit knowledge: not only to give, but also to receive - It involves discussion, sharing and knowledge. You must improve your own knowledge,  in order to better transmit it. I am a world citizen and ready to work anywhere.

I am working on embedded systems – smart-phones, tablets, routers...In the context of my PhD thesis, my objective is to help developers of multimedia applications, to provide themwith tools that make their programmes more efficient by permitting more rapid analysis. The proposed analytical technique is based on tracing execution: a readout of everything that happens, both in the device and within the application, during programme execution. A small programme tracks the events during use and the file of the execution trace is used for the analysis in order to detect whether or not a problem occurs during the execution of the application. The main challenge is the size of the traces generated. My goal is to help application developers in their debugging tasks by simplifying trace exploration and by improving trace execution analysis with semantic tools.”

Christiane Kamden Kengné,
Ph.D student, INP Grenoble - LIG


