marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


"I work in the context of databases; more specifically on search optimisation. Users produce or consume large quantities of heterogeneous, dynamic and widely distributed data, which can even be physically located in different countries. I need to supply strategies so that users can access data very quickly and with the highest possible reliability. Increasing speed and reducing the computing resources needed for this data analysis also lowers financial costs. I suggested an algorithm based on artificial intelligence, with a paradigm called case-based reasoning. By creating a process of machine learning, we can determine the best solutions for accessing data while limiting the quantity of resources needed. This, for example, allows us to optimise the process for the automatic management of an electronic network.


A humanist education is needed to cultivate respect towards everyone. In this respect we have the ability to listen, to offer equal opportunities to all and to have confidence in women and men's ability to successfully carry out the same tasks. Though few and far between in IT, project leaders are often women. In my laboratory, I was lucky to meet an exceptional female researcher who l really looked up to. Full of encouragement, she always made time to give us her opinion on our work, as well as advice for life. Unfortunately I feel that, in day-to-day practice, the voice of women does not always carry the same weight as that of men, who often have the last word. Often reactive, they try to respond before properly thinking all aspects of a given problem through. I find women calmer in their speech and in most cases they take more time to reflect before expressing themselves."

Lourdes Martinez-Medina,
PH.D student, INP Grenoble - LIG


