marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles


“I work on enzymatic synthesis of new molecules useful in food,
cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry. An enzymatic synthesis is a reaction which is catalysed by a biological catalyst. Both chemical and biological catalysts exist, but in order to respect the environment, we are working more and more with biological catalysts. From two substrates, we synthesize new molecules to study their properties and biological activity – such as if they have an effect on cancer cells. This research topic is interesting because, from scratch, we end up with an unknown molecule never before synthesised. I wish I could work on a larger scale. If we can produce them in quantity, in the future some of them could interest manufacturers. Research is definitely an art; it takes a lot of creativity and imagination!


The teacher's job is a wonderful profession! Beyond the transmission and exchange of knowledge, we learn a lot from young people. To see them succeed is very rewarding for us, teachers and researchers. We credit ourselves that we were involved in their education and training. Today’s girls are self-critical, they do not allow themselves the means to follow the sciences. It is a societal problem probably due also to education impact. Huge efforts of parental education and sensitization still have to be made, so they can support their daughters if they wish to embark on scientific careers. Family life should not be a barrier for women going further in their professions. Men do not continually ask themselves questions. and women should stop feeling guilty when they are not with their children. At work, they must be able to work hard and not be afraid to hold positions of responsibility. We have to evolve the attitudes of men andsociety.”

Samia Soultani-Vigneron
Lecturer, IUT of Laval, University of Maine (F)


