marie-hélène le ny

  Infinités plurielles



“Undecided between the literary, the artistic and the scientific, I chose a degree in art conservation technology. Mixing art and science, I studied the artworks from standpoints of chemistry, physics and biology, which allowed me to have a global perspective. Then I specialised in chemistry and came to the university of Cergy through an Erasmus project. Financed as a part of the Patrima project, my thesis allowed me to work in collaboration with the Centre De Restauration des Musées de France (The French Centre of Museum Restauration). I studied the chemical mechanisms of the discolouring of certain pigments with a copper base, used in Renaissance painting; how they transformed over times, why they alter and how that influences the works' material properties. I try to understand the chemical mechanisms in order to determine the best form of intervention in restoring the works.


It was a wonderful period of my life! My entire thesis is a puzzle. Even if not everything is solved, we can still understand some small things and make hypotheses. I am finishing the manuscript and hope to present it in autumn. I have learnt a lot in terms of technique but also the management of interpersonal relations. Working in a foreign country brings new experiences, new encounters, broadens the mind and allows us to learn more about ourselves. Currently I am considering returning to Italy to look for a job, despite the economic crisis. I would like to apply for work in the private sector, using the techniques I have learnt during the past three years. I have realised that chemistry is everywhere. Once we learn the basic alphabet, we can reuse our skills in different sectors and professions. In Italy, many industries use colour, in a wide variety of areas.”

Carlotta Santoro
Doctoral student in Chemistry, The University of Cergy Pontoise


